Is Europe on the Verge of a New Chernobyl in Zaporizhzhia


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Is Europe on the Verge of a New Chernobyl in Zaporizhzhia?

Almost 40 years ago the world witnessed the deadly blast of the Chernobyl nuclear plant, where images of contamination and people’s horror are forever engraved in the diary of Europe’s darkest moments. Today when the situation in Zaporizhzhia could escalate as 6 Chernobyls, we continue to watch with anxiety the constant shelling near the nuclear reactors. The occupation of the largest Ukrainian power plant by Russian forces is changing not only the warfare game, by adding a troublesome element of nuclear blackmail, but also the geopolitical landscape of Europe.

Nevertheless, what remains as the most disturbing notion infusing extreme distress among Europeans is the serious risks of another nuclear catastrophe amid the political blame game between Russia and Ukraine. The reality remains that Zaporizhzhia stands as a ticking time bomb against the heavy bombardment occurring in the area.